The GitHub GeoJSON organization made a proposal about how to make GeoJSON data JSON-LD "enabled" [see here]. But converting the nested array structures of the geometry object doesn't work lossless and creates very complex RDF graphs [see here]. This proposal is compatible with both standards.
The properties object of a GeoJSON feature contains data attached to the geometry object. It's the first place a developer looks for data. We propose to use that object also for JSON-LD data. Using that object and not the whole GeoJSON object avoids the mentioned problem. It doesn't require any changes in the code of JSON-LD or the object.
Without changes the geometry is lost in the JSON-LD object. The @geometry property in the JSON-LD context could be used to define a mapping. The value of that property is mapped to the predicate of the triple or in JSON-LD to the JSON property. The datatype could be also given in the context to define the target format.
The code to map the geometry to a triple is very simple.
GeoJSON.toJSONLD = function (json) { var properties = _.clone(; if (_.has(properties, '@context.@geometry')) { var geometry = _.get(properties, '@context.@geometry') properties[geometry] = { '@value': JSON.stringify(_.omit(json, 'properties')), '@type': '' } } return properties; };
GeoJSON.toGeoJSON = function (properties) { var json; if (_.has(properties, '@context.@geometry')) { var geometry = _.get(properties, '@context.@geometry') json = JSON.parse(properties[geometry]['@value']); = _.omit(properties, geometry); } return json; };
Here is a live example using Leaflet. The function to map the geometry to the JSON-LD object is also very simple and supports GeoJSON and WKT.
function layerToJSONLD(layer) { var properties = _.clone(; // check if we have a geometry property in the context if (_.has(properties, '@context.@geometry')) { var geometry = _.get(properties, '@context.@geometry') // convert to GeoJSON using Leaflet core var geojsonLiteral = JSON.stringify(layer.toGeoJSON()); // convert to WKT using Wicket var wkt = new Wkt.Wkt(); wkt.fromObject(layer); var wktLiteral =wkt.write(); properties[geometry] = [{ '@value': geojsonLiteral, '@type': '' }, { '@value': wktLiteral, '@type': '' }] } return properties; }